Friday 24 February 2012

Soooo I'm back again, after a long time out (thanks to damn American hacker wankers). I'm like that footballer everyone loved but couldn't support fully because he was almost always out injured. Kind of like RVP before he came back with a pair of boots from the footballing gods! I plan to return with a Vengeance & blood-thirsty fury rivaling a Kung Fu movie hero whose brother was killed in a fight over lice, I mean rice.

Prepare for random anarchy!!! *does a half-hearted jumping round house kick*

Keep it Cizzlin'!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Thursday 13 October 2011

Sandwich Paradise

I think I have single-handedly put together the best sandwich you can produce with leftovers! This is the stuff your taste buds have wet dreams about!

All you need is:
Bread or rolls of your choice. I used plain white bread.
Chopped tomatoes.
Cheese of your choice.
Chicken breasts or any left over chicken.
Black pepper.

Alternatively, you can buy ready made chicken & mayo at your local supermarket.

Method: spread the chicken and mayo evenly on one of the slices you're going to put together. Place your chopped tomatoes on top of the chicken and mayo then season with a bit of black pepper. After that, slice, grate, or place your cheese over the tomatoes and cover with another slice. Serve heated it cool. Enjoy

Excuse me while my taste buds go on a jizz spree!

Keep it Cizzlin'!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Desperate Times Call For Desperate Broadcast Messages?

I'm jumping straight to it f*#k the foreplay (see what I did there?). As all my fellow Blackberry smartphone users know (even most of the non-BB users), the Blackberry internet service was down for the count last night like Hugh Hefner fresh out of Viagra. As you can understand, all hell broke loose. It was pandemonium at ground zero! I'm pretty sure atleast 37 new curse words and gestures were invented last night alone. Few of us that had come to terms with the idea that the heavy data traffic (my way of consoling myself without going all rocking-thumb-sucking-fetal position) might have caught up with BB's servers, or something along those lines, remained calm in the time of panic.

Then there's the other end of the pool; the franticly panicky bunch. These are the people that are quick to jump on the "OMG, the sky is falling!" bandwagon. The same people when an emergency hits and they are told to remain calm, jump up and scream like gay dudes at a Beyonce concert.The very same people that are the first to run at the sound of your neighbour's snarling doberman's growl. You catch my drift. This bunch of people, I'll call them the panic bunch or PB for short, are ALWAYS getting caught up in the illusion of the dreaded Broadcast messages that apparently will fix your BBM troubles if you send them to all your contacts! *slaps forehead* Well, I've got news for you, PB!

I say we break it down for 'em.
1. Update your display picture. That's why it was put on your PROFILE.
2. Prevent you from losing all your contacts. Backing them up before you download a new version from App World does that.
3. Update your symbols. App World has an application you can download for that.
4. Give you a new layout. That you only get should the geeks at RIM decide to sleek up the BBM app and then put it up as an update on App World (see the trend here?)
Lastly, BB does not have midnight special updates that they announce; MXit is that way! *points you in the direction of the lost* And for goodness' sake can you people NOT see the blatant and appalling spelling and grammar errors in them bitches?!?! Have some sense man! If you send me one of those again, I'll piss on yo cat! Nxa! *drops mic*

Keep it Cizzlin'!

Monday 10 October 2011

The Morning After

Now that the dust is beginning to settle on what is arguably the worst weekend for SA sports, I have decided to peep out of my dingy shell I had hidden in. The weather over here hasn't helped ease the hurt either (Sat - 32 degrees, Sun 35, Mon 36). Ever had a bully kick your ass infront of the girl you like then give you a beef stew (a beef stew is having someone fart in your face.)? No? Me neither. But I imagine that is an equivalent feeling to how I feel about this past weekend.

Keep it Cizzlin'!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Sunday 9 October 2011

Come on Bokke!!!

Goood morning folks! It's THAT day people! The Springboks come up against the ever-tough Wallabies! To tough to call this one, but I'm backing our boys!!!

Moer hulle Bokke!!!

Keep it Cizzlin'!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Gran's birthday

Aloha cyber goons! Today (08 Oct) was my Gran's birthday. I say was coz this might post after midnight. Had quite a good day. She liked my gift which made me happy. And, might I add, I nailed the braai. B-)

Also had an awesome afternoon hangin with Wimpy's most notorious customer (she knows who she is). :'-D

Bafana Bafana also managed to qualify for the 2012 AFCON, so that was a big plus. Now we look to the Boks to make us proud.

Until then,
Keep it Cizzlin'!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Saturday 8 October 2011

Another year gone, still going strong.

Goodmorning folks. Great weather to start the weekend. Today though, is not all about the World Cup Quarters for me.

It's my Granma's birthday!!! Oh yeah!! She still going strong (won't reveal her age). What a woman!
Happy birthday Makhulu

Keep it Cizzlin'!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device